ESA Latest
ESA ‘That Beast’ T-shirt + CD + Poster + Sticker
Choice of Mens shirt or Women’s Tank. Available in all sizes.
£23 + Postage (£5 UK / £6 Europe / £7 Rest of World)
Click here to pay directly and state your preferances.
‘That Beast’ T-shirts now available
‘That Beast’ t-shirts now available in Mens T and Womens Tank.
Limited run. All sizes available. Shipping est Tues 27th March.
UK orders: £12.99+£2.99 postage
International Orders: £12.99+£3.99 postage
‘That Beast’ is Unleashed.
‘That Beast’ has finally been unleashed. Go over to the Store page to grab your physical or digital copy.
Remix Competition
The deadline for downloading the remix packs has now been reached.
Should you wish to share your remix to be entered into the competition to win esa goodies (physical copy of the new album and props from the latest music video ‘Bad Blood Will Out’), please send your work to esa@electronicsubstanceabuse.com The remix could also stand the chance of being included on a future ESA release!
The competition closing date for submitting your remix will be April 10th.
The poll will be hosted on the ESA Facebook on April 20th. With the winner being announced on May 1st.
Welcome to the brand new ESA website!
As with all new things, they should sparkle a bit. So go to ‘Remix Me‘ to retrieve some sparkly remix packs spanning the entirety of the ESA discography. These will be grabbable until March 9th when the new album hits!
If you want to share your work, please send to [email protected]. The winner (which will be chosen by a public voting poll on the Facebook site), will get a copy of the new album along with some of the props from the most recent music video – ‘Bad Blood will Out’.
Get your Mix on!!
‘That Beast’ – Behind the Scenes!
A short interview about the new album and insight into the recording and production of ‘That Beast’ – released March 9th.
Release Party
The official European album release party for ‘That Beast’ will be taking place in Reykjavik – Iceland on 24th March. Live performance and giveaway…..
Get yourself over to the Volcano party!!
Unleash ‘That Beast’
The new ESA album is now up for pre-order at Bandcamp.
[bandcamp width=100% height=472 album=2528290266 size=large bgcol=000000 linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]
That Beast
The eagerly awaited new ESA album will be released on March 9th under the title ‘That Beast’. The album will be released on Negative Gain Productions.
Bad Blood Will Out
ESA presents the brand new Video for ‘Bad Blood Will Out’ (track taken from the forthcoming ESA album ‘That Beast’).
ESA Upcoming Tour Dates
Jun 28 El Corazon (Seattle) US - Mechanismus Festival
ESA Upcoming Tour Dates
June 28 2024 - Mechanismus Festival - Seattle
ESA Latest
ESA ‘That Beast’ T-shirt + CD + Poster + Sticker
Choice of Mens shirt or Women’s Tank. Available in all sizes.
£23 + Postage (£5 UK / £6 Europe / £7 Rest of World)
Click here to pay directly and state your preferances.
‘That Beast’ T-shirts now available
‘That Beast’ t-shirts now available in Mens T and Womens Tank.
Limited run. All sizes available. Shipping est Tues 27th March.
UK orders: £12.99+£2.99 postage
International Orders: £12.99+£3.99 postage
‘That Beast’ is Unleashed.
‘That Beast’ has finally been unleashed. Go over to the Store page to grab your physical or digital copy.
Remix Competition
The deadline for downloading the remix packs has now been reached.
Should you wish to share your remix to be entered into the competition to win esa goodies (physical copy of the new album and props from the latest music video ‘Bad Blood Will Out’), please send your work to esa@electronicsubstanceabuse.com The remix could also stand the chance of being included on a future ESA release!
The competition closing date for submitting your remix will be April 10th.
The poll will be hosted on the ESA Facebook on April 20th. With the winner being announced on May 1st.
Welcome to the brand new ESA website!
As with all new things, they should sparkle a bit. So go to ‘Remix Me‘ to retrieve some sparkly remix packs spanning the entirety of the ESA discography. These will be grabbable until March 9th when the new album hits!
If you want to share your work, please send to [email protected]. The winner (which will be chosen by a public voting poll on the Facebook site), will get a copy of the new album along with some of the props from the most recent music video – ‘Bad Blood will Out’.
Get your Mix on!!
‘That Beast’ – Behind the Scenes!
A short interview about the new album and insight into the recording and production of ‘That Beast’ – released March 9th.
Release Party
The official European album release party for ‘That Beast’ will be taking place in Reykjavik – Iceland on 24th March. Live performance and giveaway…..
Get yourself over to the Volcano party!!
Unleash ‘That Beast’
The new ESA album is now up for pre-order at Bandcamp.
[bandcamp width=100% height=472 album=2528290266 size=large bgcol=000000 linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]
That Beast
The eagerly awaited new ESA album will be released on March 9th under the title ‘That Beast’. The album will be released on Negative Gain Productions.
Bad Blood Will Out
ESA presents the brand new Video for ‘Bad Blood Will Out’ (track taken from the forthcoming ESA album ‘That Beast’).